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Exciting Job Opportunities for Milwaukee Immigrants

Jiseki is gearing up for numerous job openings in various Milwaukee industries. Details are forthcoming, but anticipate a significant demand!

Register Your Members with Jiseki for:

  • Early Access: Priority consideration for new positions.

  • Multilingual Preparation and Success Support: We ensure candidates' profiles are thorough and precise for optimal job matching. This includes professional CVs, cover letters, interview assistance, and more—all at no cost.

We're honored to be trusted by employers and agencies to match work-ready immigrants with meaningful employment

To add your members, call, email or use a forms below


We're modernizing our platform and value your input! 💡 Please share your ideas and feedback on how we can simplify the onboarding process for your members.

Bulk enroll members

Securely upload docs with member information

Enroll member

Enter member info below, or share the button link with your members to self-enroll.

📝 Join Jiseki Jobs

🌟 We support all immigrants, regardless of your English skills

Best way to contact you
Text Message

How well can you speak English? 🇺🇸🇬🇧

English Language Skills
🚫 I don't speak English
👋 I know a few words and simple phrases
💬 I can have basic conversations about everyday things
🗣️ I can discuss many topics, but sometimes it's difficult
🤝 I can express myself easily on most subjects
🎓 I'm fully comfortable speaking English in any situation


Check other languages you know

Other Languages Spoken


Check all that describe you ✏️

Multi choice


To speed up the process, upload pictures or files of your work permit, resume, and other helpful documents.

You can do this later too.

🔒 Secure Upload (SSL)


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