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Consent to Services

This consent gives Jiseki, a Whole Person Health Care system, permission to talk to you, recommend care to you, provide care for you, and manage data and records you provide to the Jiseki platform or are generated from your appointments and interactions with Jiseki providers and services. You are indicating that your consent will remain fully effective until it is revoked in writing.

By consenting, you are giving Jiseki your permission to work with you to assess your Whole Person Health and to recommend care. You authorize Jiseki and any Jiseki employee so designated to provide and recommend services to you to do so. Care may be preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative, maintenance,  and palliative, and encompass counseling, assessment or review of physical or mental status/function of the body, and in a clinical setting, the prescribing of drugs, devices, equipment or other items required to diagnose and treat a medical condition. This consent includes contact and discussion with other Jiseki Whole Person Health Care professionals who may be consulted regarding your care and treatment.

Jiseki’s platform encompassing SMS, voice, and video and, where applicable, an electronic health record (EHR) system is HIPAA compliant. Your health information is encrypted to protect your confidentiality. As part of Jiseki's integrated system, we will send you automated and human-sent texts, emails, and voice messages from time-to-time.

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